Best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh

Best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh

if you’re seeking a reliable partner for your immigration endeavors, Globizz Overseas stands out as the best immigration consultant in Chandigarh. From study visas for leading educational destinations to visitor visas for unforgettable travel experiences, Globizz Overseas is dedicated to turning dreams into reality

Delays in Canada Visa decisions & What you can do

Delays in Canada Visa decisions & What you can do ?

If things were to believe ; as per one of the leading Canadian news agency CIC news they have uploaded one data (which they claim to be obtained from IRCC) Canada Immigration has aprox 1.8 million + visa applications pending with them, this includes all categories of visa & Visa extension of onshore & offshore applicants; let it be Canada Student Visa, Work Visa, Family Visa, Visitor Visa etc. The big question is why this blockage happened & what will happen to the decisions & till when this table could be cleared & most important what you can do to expedite your application.

Inventory as of October 27, 2021 by Application Type (in Persons)

Though it was only Canada which was attracting applications even during lockdown & people from whole world applied & eventually made the numbers grow so high: Canadian System was not ready ? or due to unexpected rise in applications the number game some where getting affected & they could not make it whom to give visa & whom not. It is understood & obvious that during lockdown Canadian Immigration offices were partially opened & the work force & capacity was at all time low as majority of officer were not attending office, though work from home news was also there, but changes still takes time for settlement & finally resettlements. Now the life has started coming to normal but the new worry is of application blockage so how it will be managed is a worry some situation.
This all is well known to every one but what one can do to expedite his/her application, understanding opinions of people it is learnt that work on applications have already started but as applications have been in the system for long so to set priority by ourself is best way, this you can do by updating Embassy with changes happened to your personal circumstances, address, communication details etc (if any ), also in case your application was sponsored then if any changes in Visa status of your sponsor happened; it highly recommended to update it to embassy via web forms.

Recently we have seen that lots of people specially Canada Spouse Open Work Permit applicants have got email where some addition updated documents have been demanded by Embassy these documents are related to the financial documents & proof of ongoing relationships with there inviter/sponsor spouse living in Canada. In majority of Canada Spouse visa application the status of many sponsors have changed: like when the application was made the sponsor was student & know he/she has got Work Permit so in all such cases its good if we update these details with suitable proof to Embassy & also get prepared that we could be required to submit additional documents. We have been regularly updating these details on our social media platforms & you can join us for more latest updates on visa outcomes.
we suggest you to get connected to us.

Office Location:

Canada Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Canada Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Best Canada Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh

Canada Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh – Want to study in Canada? Still, You want to search for the best Canada Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh, Call us at 9815519600.

About Globizz Consultant (P) Ltd. | Canada Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

GLOBIZZ Overseas Consultants Pvt. Ltd. assists seeking students who wish to think study abroad to accomplish their higher educational goals in a country of their choice, thereby exposing the student to global and cross-cultural opportunities in a highly competitive scenario. Globizz Overseas offering them multiple choices in a Global scenario across multiple cultural backgrounds to achieve higher academic objectives.


Want to Go Abroad for Higher Studies?

Go for Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh – The United Kingdom (UK) is the oldest monarchies in Europe. It is originally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Studying in a country like the UK is a dream for many students. Qualifications you get from the universities in the UK are much more valuable and well-recognized. The United Kingdom is the perfect place if you are planning your education because they provide international exposure to its cosmopolitan environment.

Have all the qualities every employer is looking for. Be confident, original, and independent. 

Yes! You can get all of this by studying at the top best universities in the United Kingdom.

Why Study in the UK?

  • The United Kingdom has many well-recognized and reputed institutions and is worth all the money. 
  • Getting graduation from universities in the UK add value to your CV and help you get an amazing job. 
  • The universities in the United Kingdom have students from different countries. 
  • The UK is the hub for many oldest universities in the world. 
  • The institutes provide good career opportunities in their internship and placement programs. 
  • They also have many students offers like free healthcare facilities and student discounts. 

UK Student Visa Consultant

The United Kingdom has an excellent educational system and helps to build an excellent career in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world. Every year thousands of students from all over the world come to students here in these top-class universities. Many applicants get a student visa successfully for the UK. The government of the United Kingdom encourages students from different parts of the world. Read complete article for UK Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

The requirement for a study visa

To get a student visa in the United Kingdom, you need to meet the requirements providing by UK’s immigration center.

The United Kingdom has various rules and regulations, like the placement offers and job opportunities from reputed institutions. They provide study and work opportunities for students. Hiring a visa consultant for study in the United Kingdom is really necessary for all the visa application procedures.

Even though you can apply for a visa all by yourself, it is always preferred to hire a study visa consultant for providing you with a professional student visa for your education in the United Kingdom. These consultant agencies take care of all the requirements provided by the immigration officers in the United Kingdom. All you need to do is submit all the required documents to your consultant agency.

GLobizz Overseas Consultant is a well-known brand in the industry that offers excellent services without any hassles to the students. They have served a lot of candidates with 100% satisfaction and have reputable goodwill in the industry. If you are planning to give wings to your career then you must get in touch with them and enjoy a safe and sound process with peace of mind.

Related Links

New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh – Looking for overseas education, New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh? Call Globizz Consultants Pvt Ltd, the leading immigration consultants will help you in getting the visa faster.

New Zealand Study Visa

New Zealand’s educational institutions are well regarded throughout the world, a safe and friendly learning environment, a wealth of cultural heritage and tradition, a subtropical climate, and stunning landscape. There is a huge range of opportunities available to international students. New Zealand provides quality higher education, technical education, a well-established network of internationally respected and recognized tertiary education providers.

At Globizz Overseas Consultants Pvt Ltd, in accordance with our declared mission of creating “Successful Global Graduates”, we provide you with an end to end professional guidance in compiling and accommodation the student visa application to Immigration New Zealand through their commercial partners in India M/s TT Services Pvt Ltd.

Also Read: New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Patiala